Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Project - Academy Award Winners

I've wanted to start a blog ever since seeing Julie & Julia this summer with my mom and grandmother. Unlike the character Julie, I have no intention of trying to cook my way through a French cook book and share it with the world. A) I don't have the budget to be buying whole ducks (that's what being a college student in California will do to a girl) and B) My boyfriend could out-cook me any day. Which makes me feel like somewhat a failure of a woman, even though this is no longer 1952.

So I thought long and hard about anything interesting I could possibly have to say to the world. I doubt the bloggers out there want to hear about my drunken escapades of freshman year at San Diego State University (although that would provide great entertainment for some, it would most certainly not paint a pretty picture of myself), or about the ins and outs of my relationship (although I do think my roommates get great pleasure out of the stories I tell). And then it hit me. Movies. And no I'm not talking about the fact that I own 3 copies of Legally Blonde, or that I couldn't make it through the acid-head ramblings of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. About two years ago I took on a project that I didn't follow through with at the time, but will now tackle again with this blog being the motivation for me to complete it.

I have decided to watch every single Best Picture Academy Award Winner. Some would argue that these are the best movies to ever have been made, seeing as how they were the ones who achieved the coveted title of Best Picture. There have been 81 in total, of which I have watched approximately 33. I say approximately because I don't think I should count the movies that I know I've seen at some point but can't remember any significant details of, and those movies that I have seen only parts or edited versions of. Such as, the Godfather, which I have seen on television. Given the high amounts of gore and swearing that I'm sure occur in this movie, it doesn't seem fair that I should give it a review based on a version I saw on broadcast television.

Now, for the purposes of this blog, I will give my opinions and views of each movie as I go down the list. I will watch, or in some cases re-watch, each movie on the list, then write a blog about whatever I feel needs to be said about the movie. Why, you ask, should I be interested in what this 21 year old college student thinks about critically acclaimed movies throughout the ages? Well here is your answer: When I was 9 years old, I played the part of a talking pig in my school's rendention of The Three Little Pigs. This acting achievement was followed by my directorial debut in my 9th grade Drama class. (I got a B-.) These triumphs, coupled with the fact that my mother had me watching so many black-and-white movies with her that I grew up thinking Cary Grant was still alive and well, make me an excellent blogger on the subject of films.

So with that being said, I invite you to join me on this journey through the film reels of yesteryear and enjoy the greatest films ever made. Stay tuned for my first review of the first movie to ever achieve the title of "Best Picture"...

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